Pierre Lapointe

Already by its title, Pierre Lapointe's new show is promising. To accompany his new album, 10 chansons démodées pour ceux qui ont le coeur abimé, he has created this magnificent showcase. Meticulous arrangements, a disconcerting set and always his singular way of occupying the stage, constantly oscillating between a corrosive sense of humor and a powerful melancholic charge. During the writing of his new opus, Pierre Lapointe had only one obsession in mind: to write contemporary songs that seem to have been around forever. By drawing his inspiration from the work of the great names of French chanson who have gone before him, he confirms more than ever that he belongs to a family, to a tradition. As if paying homage to Léveillée, Barbara, Sylvestre, Brel and Aznavour, his latest songs impose a rigor and virtuosity typical of artists who have achieved a certain mastery of their art. Although the album is characterized by orchestrations featuring several instruments, Pierre has decided to present his work on tour in a much more pared-down form. He will be accompanied by the Fortin-Poirier duo (find out more about the duo here). Amélie Fortin will be responsible for adapting the arrangements of the songs on stage. With this unusual choice of presenting his songs with a piano and 4 hands, Pierre Lapointe promises this time to surprise the audience with the rigor and simplicity of his proposal. Les chansons démodées pour ceux qui ont le coeur abimé by Pierre Lapointe on stage, a show featuring old and new songs, is a great way to immerse yourself in the work of what is undoubtedly the most surprising singer of his generation.
About the location
Salle Odyssée
855 Boulevard de la Gappe
Gatineau J8T 8H9