Mike Beaudoin

Energetic, spontaneous and possessing an innate sense of comedy, Mike Beaudoin has won over many an audience over the years, both on stage and on social networks. In the pure tradition of stand-up comedy, Mike draws on his own experiences to share anecdotes that are as astonishing as they are zany. His charisma and ease on stage have quickly earned him a place of choice on stages across Quebec over the past 2 years, as well as at festivals such as Just for Laughs and ComediHa! Mike is everywhere! Not only did he cause a sensation on Quebec stages with his very first one-man show, VRAI, but he also sets CKOI's airwaves alight, notably every Thursday on Les Démones du Midi. You've probably heard him as a host on the summer team or during the holidays on Debout les comiques. He's an accomplished comedian you absolutely must see! Each unique performance promises an unforgettable moment filled with laughter. * Show presented in the auditorium of École polyvalente Nicolas-Gatineau, 360, boulevard La Vérendrye Est, Gatineau, QC, J8P 6K7.
About the location
École Polyvalente Nicolas-Gatineau
360 Bd la Vérendrye E
Gatineau J8P 6K7