
Immerse yourself in the world and madness of Diane Dufresne; singer, actress, painter and multiple Quebecois icon whose wacky, infinite, madcap universe was the turning point for a whole generation of “different” women and artists. A celebration of feminine madness and multiplicity! 5 women: the diva, the lover, the artist, the madwoman and the little girl. All the actresses embody one of Diane Dufresne's facets, each with her own color, personality and uniqueness. A man stands beside them with an admiring eye, an open heart and open arms. It is through the presence of these 5 facets that he will discover himself as a sensitive and artistic being, freed from the social pressure to play his role according to gender standards. He will guide the audience through the various tableaux, like a skilled, magnetic and unpredictable master of ceremonies. The 5 women interact with the clown and each other, confronting, allying and eventually contaminating each other to become one splendid performer: a pink demon in human form! Folly, dreams, love, creativity, candor, arrogance, audacity, anxiety and genius all coexist in BELMONT's brilliant marasmus, a journey to the heart of feminine intensity, a window on a piece of Diane Dufresne's living work! Based on the work of Diane Dufresne Directed, written and adapted by Jade Bruneau Musical creation and original composition by Audrey Thériault Original texts by Laurence Régnier Cast Geneviève Alarie, Catherine Sénart, Laur Fugère, Hélène Durocher, Catherine Allard, Pierre-Olivier Grondin Created by THÉÂTRE DE L'OEIL OUVERT This show is presented with the support of Voyagements - Théâtre de création en tournée.
About the location
Salle Odyssée
855 Boulevard de la Gappe
Gatineau J8T 8H9