Voyage dans l'univers du bois by Michel Bertrand

The Centre d'exposition Napoléon-Bourassa, the main exhibition space of the Centre d'action culturelle de la MRC de Papineau, will be hosting an exhibition of works in wood by Gatineau artist Michel Bertrand this summer.
From June 15 to September 1, Michel Bertrand invites the public to take a journey through the emotions that can be aroused by different types of wood, with their different grains, textures, colors and shimmering effects. Beneath the bark of trees lie hidden treasures that he strives to bring to light, revealing them to the observer.
Several pieces will be hung on the wall like paintings. Others will be discovered on pedestals, hollowed out by the artist to create spheres or vases, or carved into sculptures. Some pedestals are made from wharf timbers found on the seashore. The effect of corrosion and waves on the nuts and bolts they contained has enriched them with astonishing patinas and shapes.
"The many species of wood allow us to observe different grains with effects such as shimmer, and the bird's eyes of a birdseye maple are always a wonderful discovery! The shape of the wood dictates the gesture that will enhance it."
Michel Bertrand has taken numerous courses and workshops in painting, mosaics, drawing and welding, and then, just as he was discovering his passion, in woodturning. He has mastered various turning, sanding and shaping techniques that enable him to bring out the grain, cracks, openings, shapes and colors of his favorite material.
“The emotions my passion brings to life remind me of my childhood with my grandfather, who worked with wood, and that smell that invaded me.”
His father, brother and Michel were the owners of Cycle Bertrand in Gatineau, artisans and creators of Vélos Bertrand, which gave her the chance to travel and meet many metal artists, particularly in Italy and various other countries. Their nomination as one of the 10 best bicycle stores in North America gave the artist the confidence to continue exploiting his artistic talents while discovering different mediums.
Michel Bertrand has participated in numerous exhibitions, particularly in the Outaouais region, and his work has been published in the ATBQ Association's “American Wood Turning” and “Coup de Maître” magazines.
Voyage dans l'univers du bois will run from June 15 to September 1, at the Centre d'exposition Napoléon-Bourassa, 548 Notre-Dame Street, Montebello. The vernissage will take place on June 15, from 2 to 4 pm, in the presence of Michel Bertrand, who will address visitors at 2:30 pm. It will also be possible to come and meet the artist on Friday, July 19 at 2 p.m. at the Centre to find out more about his techniques.
About the location
Centre d'action culturelle De la MRC de Papineau
548 rue Notre-Dame
Montebello J0V 1L0