Thomas Hellman

Attendence mode Face-to-face event

Mythomaniac, tales and legends from ancient Greece

Quebec author, composer and raconteur Thomas Hellman revisits Greek mythology in his own way. He narrates, sings and plays characters. The stories are interspersed with American folk songs, original compositions and archival recordings drawn from Quebec oral tradition.

A hybrid show, halfway between theater, concert and storytelling, Mythomane recounts the creation of the universe, the birth of gods and humans, and the arrival of the first aède, a wandering poet and guardian of memory. It's a reflection on creation, a celebration of the human word through the millennia. Accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Olaf Gundel.

Thomas Hellman is at the crossroads of cultures and artistic disciplines. The son of a Texan father and a French mother, he possesses the language and heritage of both France and the Americas. He has seven albums to his credit as a songwriter and a master's degree in literature. He is also a storyteller, writer and lecturer. His shows are recognized for their unique form, halfway between theater, concert and oral literature. They have earned him international recognition.

Thomas is a columnist for Radio-Canada radio. On the program "Plus on est de fous, plus on lit", he long ran the column "Le livre à lire en ce moment", explaining how tried-and-true classics have remained relevant. On "Dessine-moi un dimanche", he told Greek myths in his own way, accompanied by guitar, piano or banjo. In 2022, Thomas Hellman created Mythomane, a new show inspired by his mythological vignettes, directed by the great musician and storyteller Michel Faubert.

"Life and death, mingled with words and bodies, in a vast journey back through the history of humanity, from the creation of the Universe to our relationship with time, along the blurred paths of Greek mythology: this is what Thomas Hellman deals with in an extraordinary show entitled Mythomaniac... Thomas Hellman is a prodigious storyteller. Yes, a prodigious storyteller. His stage presence is second to none. Anyone who's heard him on the radio knows that... Here he is, retelling some of the oldest myths that run through the veins of humanity... Mythomaniac is a show for ages 8 to 88. So run! Run to hear Thomas Hellman! You won't regret it. JF Nadeau, Le Devoir